The Palace church is located in the middle of a group of buildings forming the Preslav Archbishopric or also called Patriarch’s complex. It is part of a huge yard surrounded by a stone wall. The area taken by this yard has an irregular four- side plan prolonged towards east- west. The church is almost in the center of the fenced yard. According to the preserved foundations the sizes of the church are 31 m. length and 17 m. width. The palace church is a three-nave, three- apse basilica with a narthex and an exonarthex. The separation of the inner space is made by two lines of columns. A characteristic feature which underlines the strife to secure the building’s stability is the construction of flying buttresses’ (struts) system.  They are 18 four of which are on the western façade and seven on the northern façade and seven on southern façade. The church’s altar is made of three semicircular apses and pre- apse space. The central apse is the biggest one and projects to the east before the side ones. Fragments of mosaics which used to cover the church’s floor level was found in the northern nave and the exonarthex of the Palace basilica. The capitals, bases of columns, fragments of cornices and liner plates found are evidence of the church’s rich decoration. Several buildings are situated on the south and east of the basilica. Their foundations overlap because they were constructed and destroyed in different moments. In plan they are made by square or rectangular rooms in a line. Traces of colonnades are found before some of their façades.
